
122 träffar på university of nebraska press

The Theatre of Don Juan

The Theatre of Don Juan | 1986

Författare saknas

Pris fr. 604 kr

A Scientific Way of War

A Scientific Way of War | 2015

Av Hope Ian Clarenc

Pris fr. 656 kr

People of the Saltwater

People of the Saltwater | 2016

Av Menzies Charles R


The Texture of Contact

The Texture of Contact | 2012

Av Preston David L

Pris fr. 300 kr

Edith Wharton, Willa Cather, and the Place of Culture

Edith Wharton, Willa Cather, and the Place of Culture | 2019

Av Olin-Ammentorp Juli

Pris fr. 722 kr

Nebraska Pioneer Cookbook

Nebraska Pioneer Cookbook | 1974

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Lectures on the History of Philosophy, Volume 2

Lectures on the History of Philosophy, Volume 2 | 1995

Av Hegel Georg Wilhelm Friedric

Pris fr. 608 kr

Point of No Return

Point of No Return | 1995

Författare saknas


Horace Poolaw, Photographer of American Indian Modernity

Horace Poolaw, Photographer of American Indian Modernity | 2016

Av Smith Laura E

Pris fr. 775 kr

Writing of the disaster

Writing of the disaster | 1986

Av Maurice Blanchot

Pris fr. 355 kr

Culture and Customs of the Sioux Indians

Culture and Customs of the Sioux Indians | 2012

Av Gagnon Gregory O

Pris fr. 238 kr

The Life of Jews in Poland before the Holocaust

The Life of Jews in Poland before the Holocaust | 2013

Av Gold Ben-Zio

Pris fr. 224 kr


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